Secure File Sharing
Our vault-like, secure file sharing is awesome if you are out of town, out of state, out of country, are a busy person, or if you are simply feeling lazy.
At BlackBull, we are all about making your lives as easy and pleasant as possible. With our secure file sharing, we save you all kinds of time, effort, and travel in just a few clicks, taps, or swipes with your computer, tablet, or smart-phone.
You have docs we need? Done We have docs you need? Done
Here are some of the benefits you will enjoy with our file-sharing technology:
- Secure Document, File, and Image Sharing
- Mobile Apps
- Bank-Level Security
- Activity Notifications
- 24-Hour Access
- Tax Document Storage
- Tax Return Storage
- Complimentary (no cost to you)
- And…. E-Signatures!!! (no printers necessary)