Why choose BlackBull?
Over the years, we have listened to the feedback our clients provide us to help better serve their tax and accounting needs. A pattern emerged revealing the Top-10 Reasons why our clients enjoy receiving help from BlackBull. We have listed them here for you.
1. BlackBull is uniquely qualified to help you
At BlackBull, it is our goal to provide maximum value, competency, integrity, and completeness to our clients. This is a balance we take seriously.
There are five designations of those who may be able to serve your tax needs; each offering different levels of skill and education. They are:
Tax Attorney *
Enrolled Agent (EA) *
Registered Tax Return Preparer (RTRP) or Annual Filing Season Program (AFSP) Member
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) *
Unenrolled Tax Preparer
(* have unlimited representation rights before the IRS)
Tax attorneys hold limited state designations and are generally the most expensive. They might be competent in tax matters, and they might not be. They are generally compensated by hours billed; not tasks completed. It is in an attorney's best interest to NOT complete their tasks in a timely manner. You might be satisfied with their work or find yourself stuck in a money pit with heavy sunk costs.
Tax prep is “dirty” work. Tax attorneys generally will not prepare tax returns. The work is below their pay grade and pedigree. They prefer to spend their time litigating tax issues in and out of court for businesses and high-value clients.
Enrolled Agents (EAs) hold a national (all state) designation and the Enrolled Agent status is the highest credential the IRS awards. Only 8% of tax preparers are EAs who hold the highest license the US Treasury offers. Enrolled Agents must pass three (3) separate exam modules. An EA completes 10.5 hours of examination covering every aspect of individual and business income tax law. This includes planning, preparation, estates, corporations, ethics, and representation when the IRS and the taxpayer have a disagreement. An EA is required to complete a minimum of 24 hours of CPE education and 2 hours of ethics CPE each year. BlackBull wishes the public was more aware of the EA designation and the value it brings. Multi-state knowledge and tax filing capability is a substantial value-add for clients.
Registered Tax Return Preparers (RTRPs) and Annual Filing Season Program (AFSP) members must pass a 2.5 hour exam which covers the same topics as the EA exams, but in an abbreviated format. The exam includes testing for compliance, competency, and suitability. The role of the RTRP or AFSP is that of an EA with one exception; the RTRP or AFSP does not represent clients before the IRS to the extent of an EA. The RTRP and AFSP is a highly-valued professional which often brings more value to the tax payer than a CPA. RTRPs and AFSPs must annually complete a minimum of 18 hours of federal continuing tax education including federal tax law, tax law updates, and ethics. The RTRP and AFSP is a national designation. An RTRP and AFSP may represent clients before IRS revenue agents, customer service representatives, and similar IRS employees including the Taxpayer Advocate Service. The IRS has recently discontinued the RTRP designation in favor of the AFSP.
Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) hold a state-only designation and make up 27% of tax preparers. CPAs are knowledgeable in tax law, but generally specialize in only one area or industry. Like tax attorneys, they tend to function in audits and represent businesses or high-value clients, estates, and trusts. To be certified, CPAs pass a 14 hour, four (4) part exam including sections on auditing, business, finances, and regulation. Some CPAs will prepare tax returns, some will not. When they do prepare returns, the tax work may or may not be complicated in nature, with fees often being disproportionate. They are commonly more expensive than EAs and AFSP members. It is common for CPAs to have their interns or data entry employees complete the bulk of the tax return, and then the CPA usually reviews the completed return and signs it. The high fees charged often do not reflect the work put in by a CPA, but reflect the professional designation. Every tax season, BlackBull catches errors and omissions committed by CPAs on client’s prior-year returns, with many errors on out-of-state and military returns. Many tax payers do not question or second-guess the work of a CPA simply becasue of the CPA designation. Because of this, corner-cutting or lazy work is quite prevalent.
Unenrolled Tax Preparers must have an IRS issued Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) to prepare tax returns for compensation. Anyone who prepares a return for compensation and does not sign it is operating illegally.
2. BlackBull will handle what you need
At BlackBull, we are well equipped to handle your needs. We have yet to experience a request or situation we were not able to handle. Bring it on, we say. This might sound counter-intuitive, but the more difficult a tax return or tax scenario is, the more we enjoy it. We enjoy opportunities to put all of our education, wisdom, and experience to the test. Simple tax returns are fine, but we like to stretch our brains at BlackBull. We are an All-State Firm and Authorized IRS e-File Provider. Click on “Our Services” tab to see the various ways we help clients like you.
3. BlackBull registrations are always current
At BlackBull, we block time every off-season to make sure all PTIN numbers, CTEC numbers, EFIN number, and CPE is current and up to date for our office and staff. This industry is highly regulated and we take compliance seriously.
4. Taxation Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is part of the BlackBull business maintenance protocol
CPAs are required to take continuing education to maintain their credentials, but are not required to complete continuing education in the field of taxation every year. Good ones do. This may be the most important question you ask your accountant. At BlackBull, we exceed the IRS CPE annual requirements. In addition, we invest countless hours every year into tax research that we do not get IRS credit for. It is not uncommon for us to spend hours every day pouring over IRS tax publications and tax updates to keep up with tax law changes and meet our client’s needs. Might sound boring to most, but we love it!
5. We work hard at BlackBull and stand behind what we do
During tax season, we usually put in 12 – 15 hour days and work most weekends too. You might think after tax season we are ready to close out doors; however, we are a year-round, full-service tax and accounting firm. We do not close our doors in the off-season. We answer our phones and respond to emails and voicemails quickly.
If you get one of those "love letters" from the IRS or state agency, we will help you get those issues resolved quickly. We even created our Audit Assistance Program © to shield you from the burden and expense of IRS letters and inquiries (terms and conditions apply). Click Our “No Bull” Policy tab to find out more and to read The BlackBull Guarantee.
6. At BlackBull, we strive to over-deliver
At BlackBull, we know the science of accounting and tax return preparation. It makes sense for us because it’s what we do. When you know the rules of the game, the game is much easier to play. We know how the system works and our clients benefit as a result. We don’t feel our clients should ever be surprised in a negative way. Good tax planning eliminates bad surprises. We do, however, love facilitating good surprises. We strive to deliver good news to our clients every tax season, and then over-deliver.
We don’t exaggerate or use hyperbole. We are direct with our clients and deliver unpleasant news along with the good. We don’t over-promise. We are compassionate yet direct. Taxes, tax returns, and tax refunds are to be taken seriously. Obtaining large refunds or reducing taxes owed is always the goal, but you should not have to pay a small fortune for a savvy tax return.
When it comes to BlackBull Pricing, our pricing matrix is set below standard market pricing. We don’t try to be the lowest priced accounting firm, but sometimes it turns out that way. We provide Lexus quality at Toyota prices. Click on our Bullish Pricing tab to learn more about our pricing structure and philosophy. We can prepare a basic federal and state return for less than others and pricing may increase with complexity.
7. At BlackBull, we help our clients face-to-face or remotely
At BlackBull, we are never too busy to meet with you face to face. We look forward to each tax season to see how our clients are doing and how their families are growing. We enjoy the sharing and storytelling. Our clients love the flexibility BlackBull provides. We book your drop-off appointment, prepare your taxes, and book your 2nd appointment to review and sign your tax returns (remotely or in person). You also have the freedom to upload all of your tax documents so you only have to come to the office one time to review and sign. If you decide you want to stay home (or out of town), we can prepare your tax returns 100% remotely so you never have to come to the office.
8. BlackBull has a comprehensive tax prep process
BlackBull’s schedule is set up on a first-come, first-serve basis. We do not brush one tax return to the side in favor of another. The more organized you are and the faster you get us your documents, the faster your tax return will be prepared. Also, if you trust our process and use the tools we provide, it will speed up the process and keep things running smoothly. If you eat at Burger King and are used to having things "your way," this can delay the process and cause frustration on both sides. Again, embrace our processes. We have literally spent many hundreds of hours perfecting them (as much as possible).
As a full-service firm, we do not offer "while-you-wait" tax preparation. This format is rushed, produces errors and omissions, does not allow for research and follow-up questions, is not in our client’s best interest, and (in our opinion) is extremely unprofessional. Your tax return prep will include:
Drop-Off Appointment: You will upload your docs remotely or meet us at our office in person with all your stuff (or door drop)
Tax Return Summary (optional) - If you would like, we can provide a full diagnostic breakdown of your tax return and all the moving parts. Our tax return summaries show you exactly what is happening on your tax return and why. You will no longer "think" or "feel" or "wonder." You will KNOW what is happening. We can generate the summary at any time (prior to or after approving, signing, and eFiling).
Completion Appointment: You can review your return by yourself, on Zoom with us, or in our office to review & sign your tax returns before we eFile them
Remember to always file on time or file an extension! Late filing penalties, under-payment penalties, and interest penalties can easily be avoided with some basic planning.
9. BlackBull has personality
At BlackBull, we blend personality and humor with accounting and taxes. Apparently, this is quite rare. We enjoy seeing the shock on our new client’s faces when they hear our jokes or experience our dry humor for the first time. Accounting and tax preparation is very stressful. In our offices, humor is essential to cut through the weight of the responsibility we feel. Most people feel anxiety at tax time: we do, our clients do, it seems everybody does. That’s the nature of tax season. We enjoy flipping this dynamic on its head. BlackBull is a place our clients enjoy coming to. We are proud and honored that we have been able to relieve stress and make tax time something to look forward to.
10. BlackBull is stable
BlackBull is not going anywhere! We intend to be in business for the next 20 years or more (Tiffany and I are only in our late-40s. Well, Tiffany is anyway). We do not intend to sell or move. Our clients do not have to worry about outgrowing us or having BlackBull cut its client list. The worst feeling as a client is getting a letter or phone call from your accountant saying that he/she is retiring. Being fired or retired as a client is very unsettling. The transition to a new accountant is not a fun one (unless you are coming over to BlackBull, of course). BlackBull will be your family’s tax and accounting firm for long time. So settle in and enjoy the ride with us.